femme (51 ans) de Jasper, Indiana cherchant un(e)homme.

Je me sers de Icebreaker pour me connecter aux gens.

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À propos de Reena_Kumar

Qu'est-ce que le Karma?

Couronnes bronze, argent et or

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Couleur des yeux
À propos de moi
I intend to be very flirty, sexy, tease my views, show them they can have fun with me. Keep them meen, keep them keen

Definitely confident men, who know exactly what they want and can take control. I also love men that know how a lady should be treated. Dislike men with no manners and rude men. I just love to have fun and keep my views happy so they come back for more

Turn Ons:
Definitely confident men who know exactly what they are after and then take control. Men who know exactly how a lady should be treated. A very big turn on for me is gererous men who are not afraid to put their hands in their wallet. Dislike greedy men.
Couleur des cheveux
140 cm ou moins

Reena_Kumar est à la recherche de

La personne idéale
Definitely confident men who know exactly what they are after and then take control. Men who know exactly how a lady should be treated. A very big turn on for me is gererous men who are not afraid to put their hands in their wallet. Dislike greedy men.
Je recherche