un homme (47 ans) de Bonnyville, Canada cherchant un(e)femme.

Je ne me sers pas de Icebreaker pour me connecter aux gens.

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À propos de richybaggs

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Couronnes bronze, argent et or

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Je bois...
quand je sors
Couleur des yeux
Gros seins, Talons hauts, Cuir, Jeux de rôles, Rasée, Fessée , Langage vulgaire, Sexe tantrique, Tatouages
À propos de moi
Hi there ! well at running the risk of sounding like
no fun at all! I will begin by informing you that I am a little bit shy and sometimes a little old fashion which means that I have never other then body to body .
physically i mean had any sort of sexual stimulation and am very curious to try perhaps some seductive conversations online hopefully working up to a cam to cam encounter with a beautiful woman that will help me break free and try something that i would have never before tried and the thought of watching a beautiful woman please her self and being turned on by seeing me and how hard she makes me ! well simply makes me hard and I need a real woman to help and teach or lead me to what i am sure could be perhaps an orgasmic way of playing online if you are interested in such things then send me a message or add me as a friend and lets talk
Couleur des cheveux
171-180 cm
Camping, Dîner dehors, Pêche/chasse, Jardinage/Aménagement paysager, Boîte de nuit/danser, Arts de la scène, Pratique de sports
gas fitter/pipefitter
Sur le site pour
Avoir des rapports sexuels occasionnels, Divertissement virtuel, Enseigner et apprendre
Préférences sexuelles
sexe à deux, Se montrer en webcam, Sexe au téléphone, Échanger des photos et des e-mails

richybaggs est à la recherche de

Type de Corps
Autour de la moyenne
Je bois...
quand je sors
Couleur des Yeux
Bleu, Marron, Vert
La personne idéale
the woman i see my self sharing time with either in day to day life as a one night stand ,a booty call or even of she for some reasone makes me want to change my ways and be hers alone! these woman all have one thing in common ! not only that there are all woman which is important i must say as I am straight and in no way interested in other men or the thought of them being any part of my sexual practices in saying so back the point what they have in common all the woman I meet that is lol that they are kind hearted , mature and not selfish but in saying so i dont mean for a woman to be submissive .but to know what she
wants and doesnt mind saying so and i like dirty talk but to a point all in moderation lol now as far as looks go nothing is better then a woman that is well dressed
and in shape age well i like woman in there prime late thirties to early fourties but dont get me wrong if your in your twenties and are very sexy i dont mind one bit really if the woman is seductive and helpful enough I think her personality will almost always be the biggest turn on well enough of me going on just message me we can talk and then we will know for sure if were a match untill then good luck and good hunting
Couleur des Cheveux
Noir, Blonde, Marron (Brun), Marron Clair, Rouge
141-150 cm
Je recherche
en compagnie