un homme (52 ans) de Birkenhead, United Kingdom cherchant un(e)femme.

Je ne me sers pas de Icebreaker pour me connecter aux gens.

Icebreaker aide à entrer en contact avec de nouveaux membres qui m'intéressent.

À propos de Garfff

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Couronnes bronze, argent et or

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Quelques kilos en trop
Je bois...
Couleur des yeux
Grosse bite, Gros seins, Yeux bandés , Bondage et discipline, Pieds, Nourriture, Poilu, Talons hauts, Latex, Cuir, Jeux de rôles, Rasée, Fessée , Langage vulgaire, Sexe tantrique, Tatouages, Sex toys, Voyeurisme
À propos de moi
A very lonely start to 2015! I have been on here about 3 months and I haven't had any sex for a few years now!

Hit me up I'm a genuine, real person. I'm as horny as a massive grouping of rhinoceros-izzzzzzz! Seriously looking to hook up and fuck. Plenty of foreplay, including some cunning linguistics (nudge, nudge!) and, hopefully, head in return before the main event. Hit me, hit me, Hit. ME EE!

My ex walked out of my door and life with my, now, 5 year old daughter, 2yrs, 5 months ago. By my estimate I haven't had a damn good shagging session for around 5 years, 1 month and a week or two, ie. Not since my daughter was conceived. So, er, it's been a while and I'm getting fed up of an empty bed and taking matters into own hands😜.

P.S. If I could just also point out that I would like to meet someone for a relationship too, but that is not vital!

So, hit me on garufff.gc, I'm at Gee Male! So com and chat!
Couleur des cheveux
181-190 cm
$10,000 ou moins
Affaires et networking, Livres/Discussion, Camping, Cuisiner, Dîner dehors, Jardinage/Aménagement paysager, Boîte de nuit/danser, Arts de la scène
unemployed but hoping to start own business ... v soon!
Sur le site pour
Avoir des rapports sexuels occasionnels, Faire des Rencontres, Trouver des Amis, Relation discrète , Trouver l'amour
Préférences sexuelles
sexe à deux, Sexe au téléphone, Échanger des photos et des e-mails, sexe à trois
Gareth Crawshaw

Garfff est à la recherche de

Type de Corps
Mince, Autour de la moyenne, Athlétique , Avec quelques kilos de plus
Je bois...
quand je sors, souvent, très souvent
Lycée , Passage à l'université, Actuellement étudiant(e), Diplôme d'études collégiales, Baccalauréat , Master, PhD/Post doctorat, Ecole de la Vie
Africain, Afro Américain , Asiatique, Blanc / Caucasien , Est Indian , Hispanique, Indien, Latino, Méditerranéen, Moyen Oriental, Mixte
Couleur des Yeux
Noir, Bleu, Marron, Vert, Gris
La personne idéale
Well, thanks for coming to read this bit. Have I made an impression on you so you want to know what or who I want? Yes? Good!

Well, the tick boxes are a fairly good idea. But I thought I'd use this space to go into a bit more detail.

Firstly, I want a Rock Chick more than any other Music Chick. Mainstream Metal/Alternative/GOTH looking. K?

If I didn't tick your religion, it's not that I won't want to meet you. Simply that I don't know enough about those religions to make an informed choice. People I know realise that I am quite open minded (although I'll soon type something that calls that into question!) and I freely admit that I've mainly ticked things like Buddhism and Wiccan because I've learned something about them and would like to learn more about them but I'm not actually excluding ANY religious beliefs.

OK. When I lie awake at night, thinking about who I'd really like to be with me RIGHT NOW!!, I picture, again and again:

A quite tall, relative to my 5'11"/6'0" ish height, about 5'6" at least, Raven haired, well, quite frankly ANY eye colour but PIERCING blue or green are tops!, quite slender .... NOT Ultra Skinny ... up to a few extra pounds. Sorry, but large ladies don't really float my boat. Probably more to do with the ex tbh. Is it wrong for me to request good tits? Say around 34C for starters and upwards from there. I'd prefer God given but I have seen quite a few enhanced boobs and can't really find fault there! Nice long legs with a nice, well proportioned bum to stroke and squeeze and.... need a lie down now! .... Right! I guess I'm picturing a bit of a Gothy/Rocky beauty here. I like truly beautiful women who don't necessarily know that they are, or at least, if they do, they aren't arrogant about it, y'know?

So, there's the woman who'll have me gibbering in amazement and generally not believing she's here! With me!.

That said, I've seen all sorts of different girls, blonde hair, brown or blue eyes; quite trendy, fashionable girls who wouldn't be seen dead anywhere near the Krazy House/Swinging Arm/Cali/Revolver who I would die to spend 5 minutes in her company!

So, really all I can say is I'm trying to find someone I find very attractive, who finds me the same and wants to do some adult stuff together.

I've put an ideal age range below. I've accepted friend requests on here that are outside of that. That's because I find you very attractive and I am trying to build up a friends list, in the hope that the more friends, the more likely to find a match. I feel a little odd accepting requests from /young/ women though. I AM 43, if you feel uncomfortable that I've added you, don't worry about unfriending me. I simply added you coz you look great, even if you probably ARE a little young for us to be accepted in general public. I mean, yes, you're above the age of consent, you're free to decide who you any to fuck but I'm aware that we could be frowned upon!

So, I hope that's made things a bit clearer than just ticks in boxes.

Thank you for sticking with it and reading this far. If you want more, feel free to message me.

Hope to hear from you, get chatting and maybe meet up and have some fun!

I'll be waiting X
Couleur des Cheveux
Châtain, Noir, Blonde, Marron (Brun), Marron Clair, Rouge, Autre
161-170 cm, 171-180 cm, 181-190 cm
$10,000 ou moins, $10,000-$30,000, $30,000-$50,000
, $50,000-$70,000, $70,000-$100,000, $100,000-$150,000, $150,000-$500,000, Ok, je suis TRÈS riche
Adventiste, Agnostique, Athée , Baptiste, Bouddhiste , Caodaisme, Catholique, Chrétien , Hindou, Jain, Juif, Méthodiste , Mormon, Musulman, Orthodoxe , Pentecôtiste , Protestant, Quaker, Scientologie, Shintoïste, Sikh, Spirituel, Taoïsme , Wiccan, Païen, Autre
Je recherche
rarement, en compagnie, souvent, très souvent