PatrickParsbergMeyerPatrick Parsberg Meyer

un homme (30 ans) de Copenhagen, Denmark cherchant un(e)femme.

Je ne me sers pas de Icebreaker pour me connecter aux gens.

Icebreaker aide à entrer en contact avec de nouveaux membres qui m'intéressent.

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til alle de danske piger, hvis i gerne chatte kan i finde mig på 5kepe, eller fjæsen
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any girls want to SKY tomorrow eavning. got nothing to do just leave you sPE in the coments
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Add me Sk i pe Patrick Parsberg Meyer
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oka, girls i cant read or right in the chat, so please stop right me there, right me a message on (pcbm @live .dk)
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oka, im not going to pay for this site, so please contact me on my email: Pcbm(a) and please right your user name, and i will contact you.
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im not going to pay for this site, so please stop sending me message. right to me on face, or my email (if you right to my email please right you username to) hope to hear from you
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