
un homme (105 ans) de Springfield, Missouri cherchant un(e)femme, couple.

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You Must be Kidding

So it would seem that women here in general want us to get them off by telling them our dreams, our really naughty dreams. Well that's cool, but I need to ask ,

what's in it for the men. Have resorted to cyber sex when we are both whacking

our spots, while telling stories ? Now I'm the kind of guy that needs to pound andig into that flesh, not dream of's not just cerebral, it is a need for the greed of

another. Cant we all just fuck our brains out any more ? Ill pass on the story

telling, here, I'll show you a story when you see me. When Im between your legs

Licking up the drool that is running down both cracks, yea , that's a story. Ron

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You look Like you really are in a day dream, about what, I really like what I see
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DoveBar79goooojo a ajouté une photo et/ou une vidéo de sneedgirl à ses favoris
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A Beautiful FACE not the same old Vagina shot, same as a dik pik
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Any one her looking for a life time of all this stuff on here?
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I don t use Ice breakers I talk, How is your day going ? Got any clam chowder >
  • DoveBar79: Sleep0y is no9t the word for it It is a cum bucket with a hole in it
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What a Boring Day
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I don t use Ice breakers I talk
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