Le Blog de FreakyKing6969



Looking good

Looking good barely wearing any clothes at all but irritated because men ask to fuck something.

Are you a virgin?

No, so you have been fucked before.

Women are looking for love and a man is looking to fuck.

How is it that a man is going to love you, barely knows a woman who is no longer innocent without trying to fuck you first, you know that he doesn't trust you?

A man can resent a woman because of how long it takes to get the pussy from a woman who has already been fucked by someone else.

Why hold on to the pussy?

It only makes a man think that you are fucking someone else and has to compete with another motherfucker.

Men are not trying to marry a woman who has been a used product from someone else.

If you are such a good woman then why the motherfucker you gave your virginity to not still with you.

The value of pussy is like selling cars, the older it gets the value drops.

A man does not want a used U-go or a Pinto.

If a woman is near fifty and in a relationship then I believe she need to be making sure that she does whatever she needs to to keep her man.

A man can easily get a homeless 21 year old female and take care of her, I bet she would be more thankful.

You women got men fucked up now a days.

The reason I say that because we do not think like you.

Men do not feel like a woman who is always thinking with her emotions.

Men think about how it makes us feel and react to it soon after.

Example, fellatio, if a man gets his dick sucked 6 times a day then we feel that a woman loves us.

If our woman let's us do what ever we want when having sex then that is a woman who will attend to our favorite needs and is a best friend.

That is our nature of thinking in the pattern that a man goes by.

All men are not cheaters, all men want to do is fuck you, is he man enough to tell you that.

Our nature is to want to keep fucking, we generate sperm at a fast rate, it is meant for us to reproduce, it is our blessing and your curse.

They have homosexual marriages, why is it illegal for a man to have multiple wives.

Why make a man be stuck to just one woman, my reality is that a man does not want to be stuck with just one woman.

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