mujer (46) de Texas City, Texas buscando hombre.

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Acerca de Mcbride_J

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Acerca de mí
I'm a matured, Loving lady with a big heart and a life that is settled in all respects but one, finding that one that I can love me now and forever .... That search has been long, frustrating and heartbreaking. I don't give up, and i'm here to seek him... The bottom line, for me, is that the connection with my man is first and foremost. I'm not looking for someone to just play with, I'm looking for a lifetime partner, who shares my passion for each other and this lifestyle. As a result I'm not interested in games or any kind of crap. I'm not just looking to make friends (though I do like friends). I want to make a life with someone. I'm willing to take someone who is honest and caring,goals oriented... Likewise I won't play games with you. I can pretty well tell if there is a possible connection between me and another quickly.... if I feel it, I'll tell you. If I don't, I won't waste your time.... From there, we just take it as it goes knowing there is a goal in the end. I expect the same from you, that your desire is only to love me, to be with me, to have me be in your heart just as you will be,. In the end, in the right relationship, you would desire to do whatever pleases me as i will to you, because anything less would be disappointing to us both. What I have to offer the **right** man is more love than he has ever experienced in his life. I offer a strong man, who has made his success in everything but his love life. I seek a man with the capability to love as deeply as I can. I seek a man who longs for love in his life, longs for a strong hand to control, longs for a man who will protect me and share a life together that others just dream .Sometimes, we have baggage and we are hardened. I've got mine, you have yours. Let me help you work through your baggage while you help me work through mine. Together, we can be better than we were. Two halves being more...feel free to drop me a line if you are interested............Yahoo messenger (
Color de cabello
5'4"-5'7" (161-170cm)
$10,000 o menos
Intereses comunes
Acampar, Cocinar, Pesca/Cacería, Practicar deportes
En el sitio para
Salir con alguien, Amigos, Amor
Intereses sexuales
Sexo con 1 persona
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