hombre (56) de Boulder, Colorado buscando mujer.

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Acerca de jgm67007

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Tipo de cuerpo
Más o menos promedio
Origen étnico
Blanco / Caucásico
Acerca de mí
Energetic happy I enjoy almost all things that go fast accept my money. But who likes that. I have a knack for making people smile. Usually if I think I can that means I know I can. I enjoy almost everything to do with the outdoors whether it be snowboarding, rafting or just doing yard work. I raised two sons on the business for 20 years that did pretty well at 49 I was able to retire and move my family and myself to Colorado he asked my boys they will tell you they are living the dream. Thought it might be time for me to get back into dating and meeting people and start thinking about finding a woman for myself perhaps. As for all the good character qualities I'm carrying attentive loyal faithful hard-working smart driven and goal oriented. I'm well traveled with 29 countries to my credit I think I may have time for a few more before it's all over. You're probably one of the best things about me I can tell you is I'll actually hear what you say to me. I only use my convenient definis when it comes to my boys. LOL let's find out where this thing goes!!!!!!
En el sitio para
Sexo casual, Salir con alguien, Amigos, Relación discreta , Amor
Intereses sexuales
Sexo con 1 persona

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