Tipo de cuerpo
Delgado, Aproximadamente el promedio, Atlético, Algunos kilos extra
Nunca, Rara vez, Socialmente, Frecuente, Tratando de dejarlo - Lo he dejado, Cesar
Preparatoria, Algo de estudios superiores, Actualmente estudiante, Estudios superiores, Licenciatura, Maestría, PhD/Post doctorado, Escuela de la vida
Origen étnico
Africano, Afroamericano, Asiático, Blanco / Caucásico, Hindú oriental, Hispano, Indio, Latino, Mediterráneo, Medio Oriente, Mezcla
Color de ojos
Negro, Azul, Café, Verde, Gris
Sobre mi pareja
There is no such thing as perfect but she would have to have a good mind love family and friends allow me to be the master so to speak in the relationship and not but heads all the time have her own mind though so that when things happen and I'm not around she doesn't have to be frantically trying to figure out what to do I mean smart I like an intelligent conversation she needs to be conservative with money but not stingy and somewhat conservative in her views love walks together or just to cuddle up on the couch watching a movie going out to eat or eating home cooked meals that I or she prepared I guess I have gone on long enough
Color del cabello
Castaño rojizo, Negro, Rubio, Café, Café claro, Pelirrojo, Blanco/Gris, Otros
4'7" (140cm) o menos, 4'8"-4'11" (141-150 cm), 5'0"-5'3" (151-160 cm), 5'4"-5'7" (161-170 cm), 5'8"-5'11" (171-180 cm)
De $10,000 a $30,000, De $30,00 a $50,000
, De $50,000 a $70,000, De $70,000 a $100,000, De $100,000 a $150,000
, De $150,000 a $500,000
, Bien, Soy MUY rico
Adventista, Bautista, Católica, Cristiana, Judía, Metodista, Mormona, Musulmana, Orthodoxa, Pentecostal, Protestante, Espiritual, Wicana, Pagana
, Otra
Nunca, Rara vez, Socialmente, Estoy intentando dejarlo, Lo dejé