Blog de Grokneptunes



Laughter is wonderful

I went to see a comedy show tonight and it was amazingly good. A guy called Stephen Merchant, who wrote "The Office" with Ricky Gervais. He's won a couple of … Globes, and though he's not as well known as Ricky he's incredibly funny.

It was really interesting because it was him talking about his real life and the fact that he has never found the right woman.

He said that he expected when he became rich and successful and started appearing in movies it would all be so simple, but in fact that just created a whole other set of problems. Because, presumably, anyone he meets is to some extent judging him on how funny and talented he is and he's hoping he never sees a person he has a relationship with as being a fan.

The strange thing, I'm finding from my own success, is that you mostly feel like you did before. Nobody sits back after their first couple of appearances on TV and says "right, I've done it now, I'm successful", you are to a large extent driven to keep setting higher goals. The more you achieve, the more it spurs you on, until your life's incompatible with someone who just wants to stay in every night and watch TV.

So it's not simply that rich and successful people date others who are in the public eye because they can. It's that what you do in your life is so unlike most people's reality you don't have the same experiences.

So what I'm saying as a guy, I guess, is that the reason I've signed up to this site is that if you hook up with me for any length of time you'll be sure of an interesting time as I'm involved with films, TV, comedy etc. If you're just wanting someone to hang out with and watch celebrity chef shows then I'm not your guy.

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