Blog de John1960A



Site is Bull Shit

I signed up and immediately started getting messages from 6 different "ladies" all within a close distance to me. I had not paid yet so I could not read their messages.

I few days later (and DOZENS more messages from the same ladies) I paid. Then I could read and respond to their messages. Every one of them had been asking the exact same questions, worded exactly the same. And guess what, not a single one responded once I sent them a message... Go figure.

So far (1 week+) I have yet to be able to get anybody to respond to a message from me in any way.

I want my $$ back.!

  • John1960A: Well I still have not had a single legitimate contact or reply from a woman yet. It would be really nice if just one lady would respond. Even if just to tell me she is not intended, Some response, even a rejection is better than nothing.....
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