Blog de KrisRyder



Just something that needs to be said.

So, some people have been getting very upset because I don't reply to them and I'm honestly over people being whiny bitches. First things first, I'm not trying to be cocky but I honestly get more messages and chats than I can deal with and that makes it very hard to talk to everyone so I have to be selective in choosing the people I take the time to communicate with. I'm sorry but if you send me nudes or other things without me asking you to then no that does not make you entitled to receiving nudes from me so dont be surprised if I say or just not reply all together. Also, I add every single person that sends me a friend request, that also does not entitle you to a conversation or hook-up. That brings me to my second point, I am here for mostly online fun and the likely hood of me actually meeting up with you is slim because I don't want my real life friends or family or co-workers to know I'm on a site like this. I hope that cleared some things up. Basically, just be nice. I rarely give people a reason not to be so just calm down, stop taking shit so seriously and have fun.


  • littlerichard76: Well said I know I am on here not expecting to hook up but as a fun and exciting escape from every day boaring life
  • KrisRyder: I'm not worried about anyone SAYING anything to anyone but if I'm going to arrange a hook-up the likelyhood of someone I know seeing me with that person is high and then they will start to ask questions. But anyway I don't exactly have to explain anything to you, you are one of the reasons I had to make this post in the first place.
  • KrisRyder: Honestly honey, that wasn't the part directed at you. Like I said in the post I talk to multiple people and not everything is about you.
  • KrisRyder: Actually I do, also stated above in my post. I think you're the one that's confused.
  • KrisRyder: I honestly have no idea as to why you are so … off at me I literally never gave you even the slightest inclination that I might be interested in you yet you act like I cheated you out of some deal or something.
  • KrisRyder: Right, great thanks. Bye.
  • KrisRyder: I'm not sure who you are referring to but I never replied to a single message you ever sent me so if your mad about some girl leading you on then take it up with her, not me. I do not represent every single woman on this site so stop taking your frustrations out on me.
  • FPhorni: Guys need to realize that girls on here can sometimes have nothing but a wall of chat and friend requests. I've seen it happen with a friend of mine. You can usually get a good response by just being respectful of the ladies and treat them as such. Afterwards, if you want to have rough sex play between 2 (or more) people, have at it. That's what makes it fun on here.
  • KrisRyder: ^^Thank you.
  • 69LiKeTySliTTeR69: It's FAKEBOOK....but it's also "understood"...You Go Girls...Doesn't Someone Wanna Fuck? C'MON!?!?!?!?!
  • KrisRyder: It's fucking annoying is what it is.
  • papirico6969: You like big cock
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