orangepeelsmile11's Blog



me pt 2

it didnt work the first time. I looked at him confused and scared. Am i not magic i thought? "on't worry you just didn't do it right. here like this."

He put the wand up to his mouth tilted it upward as if it was something to drink just then fire came from his hands. It was like nothing id ever seen straight through the wand into his mouth.

"Now that," I thought. Is the scariest thing i've ever seen.

But then the beauty flashed across his face as he slowly exhailed revealing that the rocks did not shoot into his mouth like some kind of hot coal. Instead a soft, cool mist began to come from his mouth. Very slowly.

I watched in amazement discouraged I could ever conqure such a complicated thing. Second passed by like days I sat looking into his eyes. This boy was magic. Was it evil? or was it good? just then before i could even give second thought he pulled me close and kissed me.. slowly slipping his fresh, freezing tounge into my mouth feeling the mist enter i naturally breathed in. As if tasting his soul for a moment. Love hung in the air like christmas day. I never wanted it to end. He released though took me by both hands and wiht a serious look in my his eyes said "I love you more than anything in this world.

I simply HAD to try this for myself. Because he was magic. and it felt incredible.

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