jarbarian's Blog



More scamming lol

Every person on my friends list is a FAKE account. I add EVERY new user (fake) account as a friend so I can track them all. Be smart and use common sense such as the two big warnings:

1. Note their terrible English/Grammar and … their location (ie: They are NEVER physically located in the US).

2. If they immediately contact you with a phone number, sk.ype, email, etc that is how they start spamming you. Also, it's a security risk to give them any information (ip address, cell number, email address. This is how thieves work -- they steal your private information. Don't be more stupid than these fools, protect your data!)

If you want to see what happens if you webcam these people, go to nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2010/08/09/s.kype-contact-request-spam

Remember to take out the . in the … as this place feels you can block out sk.ype normally and that, somehow, will stop scammers. It won't. They're making a lot of money off fools that fall for their tricks.

Understand how these scammers work! And trust me, the fake "women" accounts here are free for them so these scammers are never going away. They are just looking for fools to prey on...

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