άνδρας (43) από Eureka, California ψάχνει γυναίκα, ζευγάρι.

Δεν χρησιμοποιώ το Icebreaker για να συνδεθώ με ανθρώπους.

Το Icebreaker με βοηθά να επικοινωνήσω με νέα μέλη που με ενδιαφέρουν.

Σχετικά με τον χρήστη DanThe_Man

Τί είναι το Κάρμα;

Χάλκινα, Ασήμι και Χρυσά Στέμματα

Τα στέμματα στα προφίλ των μελών δείχνουν τη φήμη και τη συμπεριφορά τους στην πλατφόρμα. Αυτά κερδίζονται οργανικά μέσω της ενεργού συμμετοχής τους, συμβάλλοντας στα blog, τα σχόλια, τις καταστάσεις και τις φωτογραφίες, καθώς και τους πόντους φήμης που απονέμονται ή αφαιρούνται ως απάντηση στο πώς αλληλεπιδρούν άλλα μέλη με το προφίλ σου και το περιεχόμενό του.

Μπορείς να αποφύγεις την καταστροφή της φήμης σου, αλληλεπιδρώντας με άλλα προφίλ με ευγένεια και σεβασμό, χρησιμοποιώντας την ειλικρίνεια του προφίλ σου και διασφαλίζοντας ότι δεν παραβαίνεις κανένα κανόνα συμπεριφοράς του ιστοτόπου.

Το έχω κόψει
Χρώμα Ματιών
Μεγάλο στήθος, Μάσκες, Πόδια, Διασκέδαση με φαγητό, Τριχωτός, Ψηλοτάκουνα, Λάτεξ, Δερμάτινα, Παιχνίδι Ρόλων, Λεία Ξυρισμένο, Ράπισμα, Βρωμόλογα, Τατουάζ, Παιχνίδια, Μπανιστήρι
Σχετικά με Μένα
More cuming soon...

theres a good CHANCE while you're CHECKING me out im bisy CHANGING my profile one second you get it another minute COULD be something DIFFERENT

Nothing serious I WAS verified so dont ask for my member verification until i get it again...

POSITIVE=Perfect Moral Alignment, COCKY enough, confident, good, TIMING, bad boy, natural instincts, multitask, good memomry, conversationally SMART, WITTY, bold or direct, daring, lead, OPEN mind and overstanding

...these kinds of + days MEANS i passed all your EXPECTATIONS and got your attention because im that good

NEGATIVE=dwell, not writers block its a mental BLOCK, forgetful, self-esteem issues, low cofidence, CAN be boring, worry, trying to FIT in, afraid to speak, hard saying what i think, NEED to be sorry, feel left out, want ATTENTION and INSECURE thoughts

...these kinds of - days MEANS it just SUX to be me while i make the best of each moment count

SWING-ONE day or week at a time i will let you know what MOOD im in to make things as EASY as possible

ABSTRACT-im NOT bipolar im a DOUBLE-layered CONTRADICTIVE, walking MOODring who for the most part overstands myself

EMOTE-pending on my negative, neutral and positive feeling my expectations ARE low with a slight chance of change

NEED-I dont expect a lot and USUALLY im pretty good at guessing your NEXT move

KIND-You will either relate with me, similar interests, opposites, different, be the same and-or be everything in between for a personality

SIGN-As a CUSP sign ONLY a libra/ scorpio im a male scorpion with SIMILAR car-actoristics and from the inside out i am both INTELECTually and EMOTionally a SELF-aware person
Dont worry humboldt i didnt forget about you....the next time you view my profile dont cancel out just yet pleeeease!

Yurs truely Dan The Man
Χρώμα Μαλλιών
5'8"-5'11" (173-180εκ)
$10,000 ή λιγότερο
Κοινά Ενδιαφέροντα
Επιχειρηματική Δικτύωση, Βιβλία/Συζήτηση, Κάμπινγκ, Μαγείρεμα, Φαγητό Έξω, Ψάρεμα/Κυνήγι, Κηπουρική/Αρχιτεκτονική Κήπων, Νυχτερινά Κέντρα/Χορός, Παραστατικές Τέχνες, Αθλητισμός, Πολιτική
Αγγλικά, Ισπανικά, Άλλο
Bboy and male …
Στον ιστότοπο για
Περιστασιακό σεξ, Sexting, Φίλους, Διακριτική σχέση, Πλοήγηση σε ερασιτεχνικό περιεχόμενο, Να διδάξω και να με διδάξουν
Σεξουαλικά ενδιαφέροντα
σεξ 1 προς 1, Ομαδικό σεξ, Τηλεφωνικό σεξ, Ανταλλαγή φωτογραφιών και email, Τρίο
Dan The Man "BIGG D." Valdez
Ελεύθερος, Ανταλλαγή Συντρόφων
Προσπαθώ να το κόψω

Ο χρήστης DanThe_Man Ψάχνει Για

Αφρικανός, Αφροαμερικανός, Ασιάτης, Λευκός / Καυκάσιος, Από την Ανατολική Ινδία, Ισπανός, Ινδός, Λατίνος, Μεσογειακός, Από την Μέση Ανατολή, Μικτός
Σχετικά με το Ταίρι μου
Hi to all the local ladies of the fuckbbook community both local and distant

To make this relationship hopefully SIMPLE dimple my CELL is near the bottom of this PART so you have to LOOK

-ASK me out on a date
-sex on the first is always fun
-LAUGHING is always good
-TRY not to be sorry for BEING you
-STEAL me from the group
-maybe share a moment
-feel lonely and just want some attention
-DANCE with me even if its one song
-whisper in my ear IM yours or YOUR mine tonite
-GIVE me your NUMBER on the spot as we see or pass each other by WHEN im bisy
-if at a distance TELL me to cum HERE
-SHOW me off to your group

Turn offs:
-for SOME females both young and old age INSECURITY
-BLAMING me for being a man because i LIKE or WANT pussy
-an EXCUSE to reject me because of your own EXPERIENCES im NOT them
-using POINTS for dating or sex when I already have MORE than you know

Turn Ons:
-slow or fast i LIKE the direction your going
-i'll try anything once for experimentation
-certain kinds of both WEDGES and HIGH heels that fit PERFECTLY around a females feet
-tight fitting clothes that ACCENTUATE a females beauty AND body
-a females thighs EXPAND because she's penetrated from behind on her knees
-submissive and controlling tell each other what we want from the other person before and during sex

What I'm looking for:
CARE-ACTORISTICS-SELF aware, PATIENCE, FUNNY, FEARLESS, cocky, direct, daring, LOOKS, flirtatious, OPEN minded, CONFIDENCE is sexy and CAN be a need, overstanding

FUN-discrete, voyeur, promiscuous, HORNY, role playing, sex in public, teacher/student, experiment, hotel, sex on the FIRST date, dirty talk is a must or little BUTT if you cant its ok too

RANDOM-coincident meet, surprise me, jokes are good and a connection

GROUP-18-24, BLIND dates, strippers, GYM girls, street OR book smart, FUCK BUDDY, CASUAL sex, college girl, NSA, FWB, ONS, quickies, swinger need a girl FIRST, THUG females, CURVY, well DEVELOPED body, MILF, GILF 40/50/60+, COUGAR, sugar momma, … gothic chix, COWGIRL, tomboy, PUNK look, nerd i am both turned on and your BIGGest FAN

FASHION-body art like tats AND-OR piercings is a turn on ESPECIALLY belly button piercings i dont have any YET butt i want a tat and when something compliments a females body and-or attitude its gets my ATTENTION fast

GENDER-from couples mf/ff to GLBT and everything in between im a little bicurious BUTT i do have a limit

COLOR-ASIAN and black girls are a TURN ON besides that ALL walks of race from black to white please any other color and its the docs cuz the sex is hopefully that GOOD

GENERAL-LADIES you dont have to FIT one, more or any of these parts im LOOKING for if you're interested in fucking, dating, cuddling, befriending and-or dancing with me find a way to get me

THESE are my TURN ONS and TASTES that get my ATTENTION i don't expect much just HOPING

VIDEO-if you CAM its not a NO just another day BUTT webcam LOCALLY in Eureka and Humboldt lets MEET besides that DONT ask me to travel long distance, YET...

PHONE-CELL: 707-616-7442 pix4pix, age, location, wants, can travel, sex, status, STD FREE is a MUST in first txt...

LOOKING-PUSSY, dating, friends, cuddle buddies, dancing and fun times ONLY...
Ψάχνω για
γυναίκα, ζευγάρι