
άνδρας (32) από Santa Maria, California ψάχνει γυναίκα.

Δεν χρησιμοποιώ το Icebreaker για να συνδεθώ με ανθρώπους.

Το Icebreaker με βοηθά να επικοινωνήσω με νέα μέλη που με ενδιαφέρουν.

Έναρξη Συνομιλίας
Αποστολή Δώρου
ya'll be out here catchin feelings, I might just catch a flight or two
I hate cam girls getting my hopes and shit. lol leave me alone.
wtf all these chicks profiles are fake as fuck. I demand a refund Fuck Book!
I bet all these messages are fake profiles just to get me to join. lol
I'm getting a shit ton of messages that I can't even read. Someone...help...please??
there's gotta be a better way than to pay for this..
are there any real human beings on this site?