Το blog του χρήστη TITA_808
Bored and in need of a friend
Hey everybody, it's been awhile since the last time I was on this site so if you left me a message or friend request please don't take it the wrong way cause I'll accept it or reply 2 it.
Ok now back 2 why I'm posting this. I'm still single and was 4 about the last 2yrs, I was just going through some hard times with some personal issues. Now that it's passed me, I'm in real need of a friend 2 help me with a serious itch that I can't satisfy by myself?. So if you're on the Island of Oahu and interested in meeting up with me, please leave me a message and I'll get back 2 you A.S.A.P. Don't worry about anything, I'll supply dinner and of course the bed or sofa where we'll be fucking the living shit out of each other!!!.
SheBMii: 😎
DAGORGON808: lets hook up
ahhwhat92: …
ahhwhat92: In box me 😍
BonerAppetit: Hey honey, you deserve the best. Get in touch if you wanna 😉💋💌💘💝💘💌💌
685619e609c18d5b: Well my lady the firefoxs is ready and hopes that you are to cause I'm going to rock that pussy of yours as it's never been believe that.