Männlich (33) aus Miami, Florida sucht nach Frau.
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I like my hair long.
I finally got into skinny jeans!
Kellin Quinn is my role model.
Eating is fun for me.
I was born in Miami.
I HAVE to have Starbucks everyday.
My favorite fruit is Acai (ah-sigh-ee).
I don't get mad, just sad.
I straighten my hair.
I love screamo music.
I love my coworkers, not so much my job.
Some people at the gym think I overdo it, I've just got nothing better to do :/
Ice skating is fun, but I refuse to go alone.
I mouth the words to songs at the gym, making people think I'm crazy.
I'm not crazy.
I talk to myself in the shower and at night before I fall asleep.
I can't remember exactly what the conversations are though.
Like I said I'm not crazy, just lonely.
I'm an … have friends, just none willing to hang out with me often enough.
I like to smile and give people compliments.
If I have nothing nice to say I just don't say it.
I'm not too desperate, just a little.
Sex is amazing!
I'm mega honest if you haven't noticed yet.
Ice cream is fun in massive proportions.
Ummm...that's all I can think of for now.
OK I thought of more things!
I'm changing my major to Fitness Instructor.
My back-up plan is rapping. (Mostly cause I can't scream)
I recently started using legit conditioner. (My hair looks more epic now).
I like movies more than I did last year.
Approximately 31 people confused me for a girl in the last 6 months.
I think it's funny.
I just moved back to Miami! Yay me!