
Männlich (72) aus Sacramento, California sucht nach Frau, Paar.

Ich nutze Icebreaker nicht, um Kontakt zu anderen Menschen herzustellen.

Icebreaker hilft dabei, neue Mitglieder zu kontaktieren, an denen ich interessiert bin.

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I just got a very nice digital SLR camera (stills only). So if any of you lovely ladies need photos of yourselves, just hit me up! I'll be happy to take some for you.
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So many women are on here saying that they are now wet and want to get fucked right now, but when you offer to help them you never get an answer back. Why?

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If I did please ask again.
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If I de-friended you and you are real, I'm sorry, I was cleaning out the "auto-bimbos".
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Has anyone actually hooked up with anyone on this site????????
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Yaay! It finally let me back in!
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Yaaah it finally let me back in!
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Will re-join soon.
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Will re-up soon.
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Why is it that after my membership expires that's when I start getting mail????
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