
Männlich (30) aus Sheboygan, Wisconsin sucht nach Frau.

Ich nutze Icebreaker nicht, um Kontakt zu anderen Menschen herzustellen.

Icebreaker hilft dabei, neue Mitglieder zu kontaktieren, an denen ich interessiert bin.

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Geschenk senden
looking for someone to meet up with in my area if im not online send me a txt 9202545049 ill do whatever u want to u
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fun thing for girls to do

Ice cubes simple as that they will melt fast in ur vagina but u can rub em around ur nipples or on ur clit

Comment if ur gonna give it a try

  • mikedlink: Shove a cube in and then keep fucking.
  • pinkdiamond1: I've tried these many times. Really like ice on my pussy.
  • Bill87CP: My ex used to absolutly love this i could make her cum without even touching her only the ice
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Well Day 2 and no luck

No one on this site seems real.

  • Bill87CP: Yeah what are those? Thwy ask u to sign up on other sites n shit
  • pinkdiamond1: sorry for your luck guys. i'm just looking for real convo too, not lets hurry and meet and forget each other.
  • Bill87CP: Wow well im canceling after the month if i dont find anyome i can find people in real life faster than this
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New to the Site

Curious to know is anyone on here interested in anything more than sex? I'm curious to know if this is like a dating site too

  • oneforfun101: Ive been here a couple months now...mostly a sex site but I haven't had much luck in my area so far.....good luck
  • Bill87CP: Every single person I have met so far is fake, but It's a really nice site its layed out well, but sucks that its mostly bs
  • Bill87CP: yup getting rid of the account at the end of the month if i cant find anyone by then
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If you want to message me txt me 920-254-5049
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