Joren129s Blog



Other Paid Services...Really?

Ladies(Im assuming anyways),

Im only interested to those who are local to me and who are actually interested in maybe meeting up. So all others looking for other paid services, or just trying to rip me off with fake pics or promises... just fuck off. Im already paying just being here.

I may have a dick, but im not stupid. I can read when some one is interested in screwing me figuratively and not literally. Ironic thing is, Ive never been literally. Yep.. 23 and a V. At this point in my life, I really dont care lol. If it happens, it happens. If not, well Ive lasted this long just fine. I just thought just MAYBE I could meet some one who is cool and willing to maybe trying something out.

If not, hey oh well. On to the next thing.

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