sexymofo127s Blog



The alley

I take a short cut through an alley to get home from work. About half way down the alley I hear a noise behind me. I turn around to a man taller then me. He pushes me against the brick wall and grabs both of my wrists forcing them above my head and covers my mouth with his other hand before I can make a sound. He pushes his hips into my torso making it hard to move at all. I look up into his light green eyes that are as hard and emotionless as a rock. " now what's a pretty little thing like you out here in the middle of the night in a neighborhood like this."

My answer comes out muffled in his hand. "Oh so you came looking for fun? Well I can help with that baby."

He smiles slightly and pulls his hand away from my mouth. "Make a sound and your dead."

He pulls out rope from hiss pocket and ties my hands tightly together behind my back. He pushes me against the wall again and runs his hands down my body. "A skirt even baby you make this to easy for me." His left hand feels the inside of my thighs as I push them together hoping to keep him out. His hand finds a way to work it's way up though until the side in his hand is against my clit. I bite my lip as he moves his hand in either an effort to get his hand free or to tease me. He slides all but one finger from my sqeeuzed legs. The remaining finger he uses to play with my clit making me bite my lip harder as the pleasure becomes to much for me. "Cum baby make daddy happy and you'll get rewarded."

"You can't make me."

He smiles and pushes his body against mine making his finger go further into my squeezed legs. "I can make you do whatever I want."

He pulls his finger free and grabs my hair pushing me to my knees. He unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. He hits it against my face and rubs it on my lips. "Open your mouth before I make you." When I don't he yanks my hair back forcing me to open my mouth and pushes his dick in. He grabs my hair and pushes me all te way down on him. He holds me their till I feel light headed and he pulls off keeping his head inside my mouth. He gives me a few seconds to breath before he starts moving my head back and forth on him making me gag the further down I go.

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