Mand (39) fra Montréal, Canada leder efter kvinde.

Jeg bruger ikke Icebreaker for at forbinde med mennesker.

Icebreaker hjælper med at kontakte nye medlemmer, som jeg er interesseret i.

Om barrysoro

Hvad er karma?

Bronze, sølv og guld kroner

Kronerne på medlemsprofiler afspejler deres omdømme og adfærd på platformen. Disse er optjent organisk ved at have et aktivt medlemskab, der bidrager gennem blogs, kommentarer, status og billeder; såvel som omdømmepoint der bliver tildelt eller fratrukket som svar på, hvordan andre medlemmer interagerer med din profil og dens indhold.

Du kan undgå at få dit omdømme beskadiget ved at interagere med andre profiler på en høflig og respektfuld måde, ved at bruge din profil ærligt og sikre, at du ikke bryder nogen af webstedets reglerne for adfærd.

Krops type
Om mig
I am not on this site to see how many dates I can amass. My sole purpose for being on this site is to find my very last date and hopefully the love of my life..
I am here to find one and only one person who will enhance my life. I do consider myself to be very much a gentleman. Yet, I also think of
myself as being very much a man's man.. I know who I am and who it is that I seek. I am faithful and monogamous. I am fun/funny, zany,
thoughtful, absent minded/mind like a steel trap, respectful, considerate, witty/sarcastic, loving/lovable, passionate,
personable engaging, cuddly, kissable and generally just a very easy and likable guy to be around.
I tend to favor the casual and laid back lifestyle. I am fit, live a fairly healthy life style and love the outdoors.
I enjoy hunting, fishing, gardening, hiking, picking wild mushrooms, wild huckleberries and wild chokecherries.
I consider mother nature's great outdoors as my cathedral. However, if you wished and it would make you happy
I will accompany you to the theater, the art show, the museum and other such social events.
I do clean up rather nicely and I do have the capacity to interact in any social setting.
I seriously doubt if you would be the least bit uncomfortable with me on your arm.
I can cook fairly well, but make a much better sous chef and all around general pest to you while you are trying to
accomplish something in the kitchen.. I love good music and listen to it all the time. I love blues, 50's,60's, and 70's.
Most every type of music except rap/hip-hop and heavy metal
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Dating, Venner, Kærlighed
Sexuelle interesser
1 on 1 sex

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