
Mand (54) fra Gentry, Missouri leder efter kvinde.

Jeg bruger ikke Icebreaker for at forbinde med mennesker.

Icebreaker hjælper med at kontakte nye medlemmer, som jeg er interesseret i.

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To chat or not to chat. That is the question.

What does chat mean really? I have come to the conclusion that chat here means " I would like to sell you on my webcam". Now, I am not one to pass up seeing a beautiful woman without any clothes on. I mean really, what kind of man would I be. However, I know that all of you ladies have a lot more to offer than that. You all have something to offer and contribute without taking your clothes off to do it. A stimulating conversation can be even more entertaining than a webcam. C'mon all you beautiful ladies, show your brains too. There are some of out here looking for that.

  • chopper3: Strike one for the brains department. I was talking about carrying on an intelligent conversation. If I ever find one of those here then I will verify my ass to that person. Thanks for playing though.
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Truth or dare.

Would all the REAL profiles step forward please. Hell,it was worth a shot.

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Pay per view?

Hey everyone. Hope you all are well. What's the deal with so many on s k | p e? Some way to make money there or what? Just curious and apparently just a little out of touch with current affairs. No pun intended.

  • chopper3: Doesn't sound very entertaining unless you're really really bored. I'm not that bored. Haha
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Real or memorex

Its hard to tell who is for real nad who isn't. I've found so many of the same profile photos on vastly different profiles claiming to be from countries all over the world. What's up with that? Is anybody for real here or is this the new reality?

  • chopper3: Certainly not the happy place that it is advertised as. Such is life. See you in the bars.
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