Krops type
Slank, Over middel, Atletisk, Trænet
Aldrig, Sjældent, Socialt, Prøver at stoppe, Stoppet
Gymnasie, Lidt universitet, Studerende, Universitet, Bachelor, Kandidat, PhD, Livets skole
Afrikansk, Afrikansk Amerikansk, Asiatisk, Hvid, Øst indisk, Latinamerikansk, Indisk, Latino, Middelhavs, Mellemøstlig, Blandet
Sort, Blå, Brun, Grøn, Grå
Om mit Match
I'm an avid outdoors girl (probably caught my first fish when I was 4) and would love to cross paths with an avid outdoorsman. I love kids and dogs...I taught school for several years and currently pet sit and dog walk for a hobby.
(Please do me the kindness and save yourself some time. I do not respond to emails or winks from men who do not have pictures on their profile. Help me, because I don't understand what you people without pictures believe would remotely incentivize us that do have pictures posted to even acknowledge any type of communications from you. Good Luck in your search!
Hår farve
Rødbrun, Skaldet, Sort, Blond, Brun, Lys brun, Rød, Hvid/grå, Andet
140cm eller under, 142-150cm, 152-160cm, (163-170cm, 173-180cm, 183-190cm, 193cm eller over
60,000,- eller mindre, 60,000-180,000,-, 180,000-300,000,-, 300,000-420,000,-, 420,000-600,000,-, 600,000-900,000,-, 900,000-3000,000,-, Ok, jeg er MEGET velhavende
Adventist, Agnostiker, Ateist, Baptist, Buddhist, Caodaist, Katolsk, Kristen, Hindu, Jain, Jøde, Methodist, Mormon, Muslim, Ortodoks, Pinsebevægelsen, Protestant, Quaker, Scientology, Shinto, Sikhisme, Spirituel, Taoisme, Wiccan, Pagan, Andet
Aldrig, Sjældent, Socialt, Ofte, Prøver at stoppe, Drop