BooRadley1s blog



Dating Younger Women

I often find myself getting involved with younger women. I have to admit that even though I am currently 42 I look much younger. I am in great shape, I take care of myself and, I do what I can to keep my life as stress free as possible. When I was 37 I met this cute little 23 year old. She was gorgeous, blonde hair, blue eyes, just shy of 5 feet tall and, probably didn't even weigh 100 pounds. The time I spent with her was a huge boost for my ego. Things didn't last long, only about 3 months. I broke up with her due to her immature nature, guess that's to be expected with a girl that age. Now I find myself doing it again. Now I'm 42 and dating a 20 year old. She is so cute, petite, her body is absolutely amazing and, I have to mention the ass on her it is so unbelievable. Even though she is 3 years younger than the previous girl she is so much more mature. I honestly find myself hoping this turns into something long term. I enjoy every moment with her and just sitting around talking feels so fulfilling. Through my experiences with these women I have come to realize that younger women truly prefer older men. They want the added sense of security, the stability and, the experience that older men provide in a relationship. These are things that they often can't find in a man their own age. Also, the girl I'm seeing I didn't meet on here. I think I will write another blog about just her, she deserves her very own highly detailed blog.

  • BooRadley1: to be continued...
  • BooRadley1: The 23 year old I did, she was a little on the slutty side. The 20 year old not so much, she is more innocent.
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