maddawg_irishs blog




I need help tryin fo find out if the girl i sent messages to is receiving them. And wanted to know why i cant communicate with her. Any help i would appreciate. I need her yal, i need her to know i care for her

  • magiklikker: Used to, at the top of the thread in your inbox, there was an eye, like the eye here that shows you how many has read your blog, which showed you if someone has read your PM.
  • maddawg_irish: thank you for helping me. Is it possible i will receive. Message from her. Theres no communication. Only me sending her messages. Think she sees them cause shes regularly.on my profile every night. I need that girl in my life. Any tips from u in the future i would aappreciate
  • magiklikker: It might be a fake profile. If it's from Phoenix, chances are it is. Also, if there's only one pic, or no pics on their profile, that's a good chance it's fake as well. It could also be that they're using a cell to be on here, and may not be able to navigate the site as easily as some can.
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