žena (35) z města Imperial, California hledá ženu.
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O uživateli kris_davis_16
Bronzové, stříbrné a zlaté koruny
Korunky na členských profilech vypovídají o reputaci a chování členů na platformě. Získávají se postupně během aktivního členství, přispíváním do blogů, komentováním zveřejňováním příspěvků a fotek. Stejně tak jako je možné body získat, tak je možné o body přijít. To vše záleží na tom, jak ostatní členové reagují na tvůj profil a jeho obsah.
Poškození své pověsti se můžeš vyhnout tak, že budeš s ostatními profily komunikovat slušně a s respektem, budeš mít na svém profilu pravdivé údaje a nebudeš porušovat žádná pravidla tohoto webu.
Pár kilo navíc
O mně
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Kristen Danielle Davis
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'6"
Shoe Size: 10
Ring Size: 9 1/2
Heritage: American
Graduating Year: 2007
Birthdate: 08/03/89
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Concert: Ryan Cabrera
Best Friend: Amanda Broughton
Crush: Cash Carter
Pet: Dog
Sport: T-Ball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: No
Bungee Jumped: No
Gone out of the Country: No
Beaten Someone Up: yes
Gotten Beat Up: yes
Killed an Animal: yes
Swam in the Ocean: yes
Broke the Law: yes
Smoked: yes
Chewed Tobacco: yea
Drank: yea
Been Kissed: yea
Been In Love: yea
Dumped Someone: yea
Been Dumped: yea
Broken Someone's heart: DONT CARE
Had Your Heart Broken: maybe a few times
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yea
Broken A Bone: nope
Had Surgery: yea
Had an X-ray or MRI: yea
Failed a Class: yea
Color: blue
Food: pizza
Drink: dr. pepper
Snack: chips
Cereal: lucky charms
Ice Cream: strawberry
Candy: chocolate
Restaurant: new china
Fast Food Place: mcdonalds
Store: wal mart
Animal: penguin
Sport To Play: basketball
Sport To Watch: softball
Movie: horror
TV Show: smallville
Type Of Music: any
Band: hinder
Singer: lloyd
Song: I Want You
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
Love or Money: love
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: both
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: country
Rain or Sunshine: rain
...::Looking for::...
First Thing You Notice: eyes
Personality or Looks: personality
Hair Color: doesnt matter
Eye Color: blue or green
Short or Tall: doesnt matter
Romanic or Spontaneous: romantic
Sense of Humor or Sweet: sweet
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: tired
Listening To: i want you
Wanna: go to bed
Doing Besides Typing: listening to music
Thinking About: someone
Wearing: shorts and a tee
In Love: no
Single: yea
Best Friends: kyla, helen, kiff, ashley, gao
...::The Future::...
Career: dunno yet
Marriage: ????
Kids: maybe
Full Name: Kristen Danielle Davis
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'6"
Shoe Size: 10
Ring Size: 9 1/2
Heritage: American
Graduating Year: 2007
Birthdate: 08/03/89
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Concert: Ryan Cabrera
Best Friend: Amanda Broughton
Crush: Cash Carter
Pet: Dog
Sport: T-Ball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: No
Bungee Jumped: No
Gone out of the Country: No
Beaten Someone Up: yes
Gotten Beat Up: yes
Killed an Animal: yes
Swam in the Ocean: yes
Broke the Law: yes
Smoked: yes
Chewed Tobacco: yea
Drank: yea
Been Kissed: yea
Been In Love: yea
Dumped Someone: yea
Been Dumped: yea
Broken Someone's heart: DONT CARE
Had Your Heart Broken: maybe a few times
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yea
Broken A Bone: nope
Had Surgery: yea
Had an X-ray or MRI: yea
Failed a Class: yea
Color: blue
Food: pizza
Drink: dr. pepper
Snack: chips
Cereal: lucky charms
Ice Cream: strawberry
Candy: chocolate
Restaurant: new china
Fast Food Place: mcdonalds
Store: wal mart
Animal: penguin
Sport To Play: basketball
Sport To Watch: softball
Movie: horror
TV Show: smallville
Type Of Music: any
Band: hinder
Singer: lloyd
Song: I Want You
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
Love or Money: love
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: both
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: country
Rain or Sunshine: rain
...::Looking for::...
First Thing You Notice: eyes
Personality or Looks: personality
Hair Color: doesnt matter
Eye Color: blue or green
Short or Tall: doesnt matter
Romanic or Spontaneous: romantic
Sense of Humor or Sweet: sweet
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: tired
Listening To: i want you
Wanna: go to bed
Doing Besides Typing: listening to music
Thinking About: someone
Wearing: shorts and a tee
In Love: no
Single: yea
Best Friends: kyla, helen, kiff, ashley, gao
...::The Future::...
Career: dunno yet
Marriage: ????
Kids: maybe
Uživatel kris_davis_16 hledá