žena (35) z města Olanta, South Carolina hledá muže.

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O uživateli msavannah22

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Bronzové, stříbrné a zlaté koruny

Korunky na členských profilech vypovídají o reputaci a chování členů na platformě. Získávají se postupně během aktivního členství, přispíváním do blogů, komentováním zveřejňováním příspěvků a fotek. Stejně tak jako je možné body získat, tak je možné o body přijít. To vše záleží na tom, jak ostatní členové reagují na tvůj profil a jeho obsah.

Poškození své pověsti se můžeš vyhnout tak, že budeš s ostatními profily komunikovat slušně a s respektem, budeš mít na svém profilu pravdivé údaje a nebudeš porušovat žádná pravidla tohoto webu.

Tak akorát
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Etnický původ
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O mně
Honest to goodness, you've got to meet someone like me at least once in your life! Are you tired of reading profiles that say things like, "I like watching movies and going to nice restaurants"? What did they leave out? That they like breathing, too? I promise that I won't bore you with such superficialities. With that in mind, get ready to meet one very interesting person. I won't tell you that I like traveling, having fun, and walks on the beach. You've probably read hundreds of such profiles that really tell you nothing about the person. Instead, I will give you an interesting glimpse into what makes me different from all the others who are vying for your attention. If you spend the next minute reading my profile, you will see that I am not just beautiful on the outside. My quest to find a great match has been fun, but so far unsuccessful. I can make you smile because I am just as appealing on the inside as I am on the outside.Do you want to meet someone who has more than meets the eye? My friends say that I am perfect. Well, *almost* perfect. If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that I can be fully appreciated only in person. I firmly believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. My life motto is: live simply, laugh often, love much. Physically, I think my best feature is my smile. Mentally, I think my best attribute is my charm. I know that I am not perfect, but I'm still a great catch. If I wanted to impress you, I would be myself. If I were to compose a list of the top ten reasons to date me, one of them would surely be that I am very warm and loving. My job is something that gives me great satisfaction. On my days off, my first priority is usually catching up on sleep. My biggest fault is that I am not very good at cooking or baking. If I had my life to live over, I would choose a different occupation. My approach to life has been primarily influenced by my life experiences. My foremost long-term goal is to spend less time working and more time having fun. I am generally happiest when I am having sex. The happiest moment of my life was when I discovered that my perfect match could be on any one of 1000 dating sites. I am most proud of my unique approach to life. In my opinion, the best thing about a long-term relationship is feeling like I am wanted and needed. My last date was yesterday. My eagerness for my next date can be best described as I'm genuinely looking forward to it. I think that dating is a blast! I wish that women would realize that asking for tall, dark, handsome, and rich is asking for too much unless you have something commensurate to offer. I wish that men would realize that women can be just as logical as men. If you think that I sound appealing after reading this profile, wait until you meet me -- it gets even better!
163 - 170 cm
Běžné zájmy
Kempování, Vaření, Zajít na večeři, Sporty
Na stránkách kvůli
Neformálnímu sexu, Randění, Diskrétnímu přátelství, Online zábavě

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