žena (38) z města Upper Lurg, Australia hledá pár.
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O uživateli julian_7348glk
Bronzové, stříbrné a zlaté koruny
Korunky na členských profilech vypovídají o reputaci a chování členů na platformě. Získávají se postupně během aktivního členství, přispíváním do blogů, komentováním zveřejňováním příspěvků a fotek. Stejně tak jako je možné body získat, tak je možné o body přijít. To vše záleží na tom, jak ostatní členové reagují na tvůj profil a jeho obsah.
Poškození své pověsti se můžeš vyhnout tak, že budeš s ostatními profily komunikovat slušně a s respektem, budeš mít na svém profilu pravdivé údaje a nebudeš porušovat žádná pravidla tohoto webu.
O mně
I'm julian, 25 years of age, a part time model,
a lovely daughter and a friend. I am a strong women,
I know how to fight for my rights, I don't want to be
hurt by the people around me, I'll fight for what I believe is true, but despite of being a strong women I still know how to accept my mistakes. Okay, enough introducing myself as a strong women, I'm also the girl of your dreams, maybe...
As a sweet friend, I really don't want to see a sad and
problematic friend, as long as I could help, I will help, I don't want to regret someday that I lose a friend just because I wasn't able to help him/her, I just want to live my life to the fullest, I want to try and do everything that can make me happy, in short i just want to be happy...
a lovely daughter and a friend. I am a strong women,
I know how to fight for my rights, I don't want to be
hurt by the people around me, I'll fight for what I believe is true, but despite of being a strong women I still know how to accept my mistakes. Okay, enough introducing myself as a strong women, I'm also the girl of your dreams, maybe...
As a sweet friend, I really don't want to see a sad and
problematic friend, as long as I could help, I will help, I don't want to regret someday that I lose a friend just because I wasn't able to help him/her, I just want to live my life to the fullest, I want to try and do everything that can make me happy, in short i just want to be happy...
Uživatel julian_7348glk hledá