pár (62) z města Palm Coast, Florida hledá ženu, muže, pár.

Používám Icebreaker k navázání kontaktu s lidmi.

Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

O uživateli Klukva60

Co je Karma?

Bronzové, stříbrné a zlaté koruny

Korunky na členských profilech vypovídají o reputaci a chování členů na platformě. Získávají se postupně během aktivního členství, přispíváním do blogů, komentováním zveřejňováním příspěvků a fotek. Stejně tak jako je možné body získat, tak je možné o body přijít. To vše záleží na tom, jak ostatní členové reagují na tvůj profil a jeho obsah.

Poškození své pověsti se můžeš vyhnout tak, že budeš s ostatními profily komunikovat slušně a s respektem, budeš mít na svém profilu pravdivé údaje a nebudeš porušovat žádná pravidla tohoto webu.

O mně
Palm Coasat, FL-based married couple, he is 59, she is 42, seeking like-minded bisexual
people. The husband enjoys watching when someone (or preferably a group of
people) has sex with his wife in front of him (cuckold and bukkakee gangbang
style). We have a good bit of experience in this. But now a new desire has arisen:
the wife would like to watch someone (again, preferably more than one man)
having sex with her husband. But we do not have any such experience: regarding
anal sex, the husband is a "virgin," and we are looking for a worthy and interesting
partner who could "deprive him of his innocence."
We are open to absolutely any sexual experiments, except, of course, those outside
the scope of the law.

Uživatel Klukva60 hledá

O mém protějšku
Palm Coasat, FL-based married couple, he is 59, she is 42, seeking like-minded bisexual
people. The husband enjoys watching when someone (or preferably a group of
people) has sex with his wife in front of him (cuckold and bukkakee gangbang
style). We have a good bit of experience in this. But now a new desire has arisen:
the wife would like to watch someone (again, preferably more than one man)
having sex with her husband. But we do not have any such experience: regarding
anal sex, the husband is a "virgin," and we are looking for a worthy and interesting
partner who could "deprive him of his innocence."
We are open to absolutely any sexual experiments, except, of course, those outside
the scope of the law.
ženu, muže, pár