žena (46) z města Satsuma, Florida hledá muže.

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O uživateli tammyseek4love

Co je Karma?

Bronzové, stříbrné a zlaté koruny

Korunky na členských profilech vypovídají o reputaci a chování členů na platformě. Získávají se postupně během aktivního členství, přispíváním do blogů, komentováním zveřejňováním příspěvků a fotek. Stejně tak jako je možné body získat, tak je možné o body přijít. To vše záleží na tom, jak ostatní členové reagují na tvůj profil a jeho obsah.

Poškození své pověsti se můžeš vyhnout tak, že budeš s ostatními profily komunikovat slušně a s respektem, budeš mít na svém profilu pravdivé údaje a nebudeš porušovat žádná pravidla tohoto webu.

O mně
I am a very compassionate, loveing woman who will make time when needed. I would like my match to enjoy in good, humorous conversation. enjoy the passion of life as well as in the bedroom. I need someone who is honest. he will recieve it back 10 fold, coz i like to put back what i gain in a relationship.I would like a man who is physical and not affraid to show it publically. I value all families, and I need a strong respect of them as in each other. I am very committed to any thing of value in life. I have a strong constitution of right and wrong. Live my life to reflect integrity. I am always in a good mood, yet am a hot head. Never holds a grudge or disrespect the ones I am with. I need a man who is versatile in friends as well in life. Someone in that mind set of "you get the day, don't let the day get YOU". I am a very possitive person and like to be in the company of the same. I am hard working, and like to play that way to. I love passion and love making, and the conversations in between. I want someone who wants to be apart of my life ,and wants me apart of him in all aspect.With me everything is based on Trust, Respect, and integrity. I am not a one type individual, but there must be a physical attraction. I take alot of pride in what I look like. I am atheletic, curvy and a little out of shape by my standards. I look young for my age and act even more so. I am a lover of life and all that it throws out to us. The human mind is a very strong and powerful thing! But the eyes will always be the keeper of our soul. Just be real and trust in yourself that everythings

Uživatel tammyseek4love hledá
