jschuster1979Jeremy Schuster

muž (45) z města Spring Hill, Florida hledá ženu.

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The final spin

Everything was spinning an yet there was nothing for me to do but to enjoy this fast decend into the darkness. Spinning out of control an no where to go as I heard the bell tolled, TOLL, TOLL, TOLL an the spin was more violent. Trouble of thoughts of how i was going to stop, what was I going to crash into when the bell boomed, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM and yet again the spinning was now totally nerve wracking, Flashes of great things danced all about an a sly smile creep upon my lips as i saw my many accomplishment float away carelessly. An the bell rang, RANG, RANG, RANG, and suddenly the spinning stop. Yet down I fell an faster an faster i went. Then TOLL,Boom,RANG i fell ontop of my bed an my head numblessly screached an as I layed there with my alarm BLEARING i looked up an watch the ceiling fan spin wildly out of control making a TOLL, BOOM, RANG sound.

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Please read an would like comments please
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Fun Time 2

She shut the door behind her and slight breeze tickled her exposed clit an she had to steady herself against the door. She locked the door an started her walk to her car through the courtyard an then onto the walkway. It was just starting to get dark, the chill in the air was causing her nipple to stand up and press against her shirt. She was wet and could feel her fluid running down her leg as she walked through the apartment complex to where she parked her car. She was smiling as she rounded a corner an ran into a young couple making out on a park bench. She stopped an watched as the boy stroked her leg an she laughed an moaned when he wondered high enough. The girl looked around nervously and locked eyes with her. The girl smiled and allowed her legs to part to show her she was pantiness. The boy stroked her pussy an licked her nipples through her shirt. She watched all of this and decided to have some fun of her own. She pulled her shirt up an allowed the girl to see her shaved pussy and stroked it and licked her fingers. She smiled and walked over to the couple the whole time looking the girl into the eyes. She sat down and stroked the boys cock through his gym shorts an he turned an looked at her. He smiled and went back to stroking the girl. She stroked his cock an leaned over an kissed the girl on lips parting her lips with her tongue making sure to nibble on her tongue. She pulled out her phone took a picture and and type a message, "The situation is different come join." and sent it to her friend. She then leaned in close, "you all want to take this to my place so we can have some fun." She at this time stroked the girl and licked her finger in front of the boy,"lease." stated the girl. SHe helped them both up and turned towards her apartment,"Oh an we will be joined shortly by my friend, and he cant wait to fuck us both, I hope you all dont mind." They both looked dazed an i grabbed the girls hand. SHe open the door an invited them in, She closed it an the girl felt the super cold that the apartment was keep at. The girls nipples where hard and she moan as she played with them. The boy sat down an watched as she kissed the girl all over, his cock appeared and was not bad at 9 inches. The girl moaned as she bent her over the arm of the couch an licked her from her pussy to her ass making sure to nibble on her clit. Hold still as she took a pic of her pussy,"Come an get it," and she sent it to her friend.

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Anyone have time to teach how to use sk y p e
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So placed a blog up can all read an give feedback
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Fun time

She was surprised by the text she received an wondered if the message was worth the interest of her response. She slowly reread it word for word," I want you to come over in two hours, the door will be unlocked and meet me for a fun time." She bit her lip an wondered lazy the last time they had a good time. He picked her up an took her to the beach for dinner an then a little fun in the water that lead back to her house for a fucking that she shook with pleasure. So do i go or tease a bit an see if i can draw him to me. She smiled and worked on the text to send back when the picture came through of the bed. It was a king size bed and in the middle was a few toys that each had talked about wanting to use. The caption said " one hour an 45 mins an i expect you here for the fun." She was wet instantly an her train of thought of luring him went right out the window. Thoughts of what she wanted to wear and not too ran through her head as she jumped into the shower and was herself from head to toes bending over and stretching. The shower was hot an she slowly played with herself making sure not to get to much into it then the beep beep of the next message rang off. She stopped touching herself an steady her legs, i wonder what was the next message. Turning the shower off she slowly dried herself off and proceed to apply her body lotion an body spray to make sure she smelled good. He only like light make-up but she made sure to apply the red lip stick she loved to wear. Beep Beep alerted her to the message again, an yet she grabbed the phone and went into the room. The crotch-less panties with knee high stockings looked great on her full figure. No bra to let the girls breath an then the skirt and top went next. She started to brush her hair into a single french braid an while looking in the mirror took a picture. The message showed a bottle of wine chilling. She smiled an sent her picture with the response, "o you like, well how much time do I have." She laughed and locked her door.

Tomorrow will be part 2 if you like let me know

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Just like to meet somebody not looking to arrange a meeting through there management
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Just like to meet so
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Such reality of of it all.

 Hello all i just joined this interesting site an before i even had a pic up i had a friend request. So using my open policy sure i'll be your friend. An then the fun began, I proceed to meet these girls that live an wanted to meet me. Now at first i was yeah , cool, but the little voice said,"Hello you really believe they live around you," now to tell that little voice that i call my conscious made me weary. So then they proceed to offer dates to me if i voted for them to be the hottie of tthey of the month. I sat an thought of this an in that time i had two more offers spring on up. Now i am one that enjoys myself with a good laugh, an yet can the really be from here i wondered. An so after a bit of drinking, sure why not they could be from here so what the hell i'll vote. To my surprise though i could not join a club like that an so I laugh apologized to these four ladies because still i don't think they live by me, but hey i can't fault them for trying to sell the American Dream because of course there are those ones that get hooked on the skirts of the dream. I got a good laugh though, so i hope i meet some that are not trying to sell me a pinto because truthfully to me that's not the American Dreams its the bottom. So, I hope that there is more to this place then that.
  • jschuster1979: So i venture into site an i am not shitting you the first person i speak with tells me that she there to guide me through to the other side
  • BabyGurl1970: lol. You just invited every spammer on the website to hit you up.
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