
žena (32) z města Valley Center, Kansas hledá ženu.

Nepoužívám Icebreaker k navázání kontaktu s ostatními.

Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

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aaaaaah my phone keeps kickin g me off of here
  • blondie5: Right after it loads a little
  • blondie5: So to pepl who want my pics I'm gona wait till I get fucking internet
  • amberm: Dang doesn't look like you are active on here anymore, you look like a lot of fun!
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  • blondie5: Anyone want to trade nudes?
  • Heather_: Do you think you can handle this ? Lets get together soon.
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yes took nudes off i dnt need more guys so only my beautiful girls can c this body
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