
muž (34) z města Orlando, Florida hledá ženu.

Nepoužívám Icebreaker k navázání kontaktu s ostatními.

Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

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Well, gotta go to work now. *sigh*
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This website is like 85% fake profiles spammers and scams. I can spot you instantly as a fake and I actively report and block all of you. Please only real people try to contact me. If you are fake I will report instantly.

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Any girls in Orlando wanna fuck
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My dick, bigger than a bridge your dick look like a little kids. My dick rumble in the jungle your dick got touched by your uncle.
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I shit you not like 25 different profiles with no pic messaged me saying hey baby its Mariah remember me?
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second, learn to speak English before trying to scam someone. I legitimately laughed my ass off at "must verify profile or can banned"
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lmfao you spammers who say I need to verify my profile are so fucking try hard and pathetic. First of all verifying doesn't require me to do any of that shit or give my credit card info.
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