
muž (50) z města Mc Bee, South Carolina hledá ženu.

Nepoužívám Icebreaker k navázání kontaktu s ostatními.

Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

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  • Dguy23b: What a fucking  pshyco uep u got me all figured out here u go everyone listen to her she got it all figured out 
  • Dguy23b: Who gives a fuck what u got im the one tthat needs to grow up you dont even no me ya fuckin psycho
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So much for being fuckbook more like fakebook
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New guy

New here and to south carolina so whats up

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Well dam paid for the sight and pood i scared everyone off haha
  • Dguy23b: Lmao wtf 
  • Dguy23b: Absofuckinglutley i am if im not talking toi still then u werent worth my time had to been a huge dissapointment for that to happen get a life and let shit go
  • Dguy23b: Hey everyone meet my darling second exwife here isnt she just a peach lmao
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