
muž (38) z města Northampton, United Kingdom hledá ženu.

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Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

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and yeaa i cant read messages now some all marketing girls here plz spam as much U want I meet here few normal ppl and will try to keep contact with theme some way and ask them to stay in touch
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... after lost houndreds hours, many short of sleep nights im break these habbit and back to more real live. Some sport, books and beer with friend give me profit, fuckbook makes me depressive
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scam from webcam girl and fuckbook model. Normal girls get to many messages from other guys and they treat it like spasm often so arent interesting about U no mother U will do
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my premium was expired today and honestly I dont see the point to refresh it. My first day here was like uhhaaa its so many girls chated me but alredy in 2nd I realize 95% messages i get its scam
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these afternoon the girl i had meet lst tuime wil make me a visit. We will have a nice time together I think. And as she want to stay for night probably as well. :wink Time to go sleep now
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some horny pussies to play onliine?
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some NORMAL girl (not webcam/fb model) for online fun...?
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