
žena (43) z města Fredericton, Canada hledá ženu, muže.

Nepoužívám Icebreaker k navázání kontaktu s ostatními.

Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

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  • sweetmate1: Nice pic 
  • snowisfalling2014: fucking hot
  • jaison3390: Hi my name is Jason And I was wondering do you want to fuck in the next half hour to a hour I am very eager to go down on you and eat you out like crazy then I put my hands on a gator so if you decide you want to come over to my place let me know I can meet you so you don’t get turned around 292-4441. It’s up to you now babe but have to hurry ok I am waiting for your call 
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