187SavageruckusRuckus Nedávno online

žena (44) z města Charlotte, North Carolina hledá muže.

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Im feeling like theres really no guys local with sum good dick that wanna fuck sum amazingly good pussy.
  • 298jm: Check your inbox I sent you a message
  • 298jm: I'm feeling like the women that's close is all fakes on this site. No one never responds to messages
  • user9898876: I feel like you've been giving the wrong guys good p**** I got a similar theory is that really pretty girls feel that because their pretty that they naturally got good pussy and that darn sure. Ain't always the case(I'm not saying that that's you by any means I mean you may have got some good pussy ,I a love to stop texting and what not and let me show you it's some local good dick out here ,and I'd love to find out if you got that good pussy and if so what you can do with it!!! I could have 10 inch dice but be bout as watching golf and some of women actually have good pussy but crawl all over the bed trying to run from the dick so holler at me and gimme a chance to make yo u miss me
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