FeatherClaws's Blog



Views of Nerds

sometimes I find it funny when someone is good looking or hot etc. that people are interested but the moment they talk to that person and they find out there a Nerd or Geek etc. they just stop talking to them or not message them again. Can you say Discrimination anyone, well let's hope the view point that Nerd, Geeks etc. are to weird to talk to is changed if not soon hopefully in the next few years

  • mikedlink: Just remind that the fact that nerds and geeks make more attentive lovers. B/c we try harder to please then the rest. B/c we know that us being geeks and such tends to be off putting so we gotta keep you coming back for more
  • RLewis89: Amen to that, nerds love to BE loved, but most times, we're almost never given a chance to even get that far with someone, myself included.
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