display2010's Blog



Captain of the people!

A captain in the Foreign Legion was transferred to a garrison far out in the desert. On their walk around to get to know the camp, he noticed an old, tired camel which was tied to one of the barracks. He asked a sergeant what the camel was. "Well," said the sergeant, "you know we're pretty far away from most of it, and the soldiers have the sexual urges, so when they are in need, so ... eh .... we have the camel." "Yes, if it's good for morale as it is okay for me," said the captain. Having been in the camp for six months failed captain to stay longer, so he commanded the Sergeant to bring the camel to him. The sergeant shrugged his shoulders and led the camel over to the captain. The captain picked up a chair, climbed up on it, stood behind the camel, and began to pump in the way. After a while, he was finished and satisfied crawled down from his chair and began to button up trouser buttons. He looked over at the sergeant and asked if he did it just as well as soldiers. "Well, captain," replied the sergeant, "usually they just use the camel to get down to the city ..."

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