Skooby-dude's Blog
Fuck a flake
So to the flake that decided to let me pay $140 a hotel room that we can meet at and have some fun and then stand me up after I paid for the room. Fuck you. you're a worthless excuse for a human
flashgordonnoway13: Hi mate I am in Australia just came on to the site had about 50 massage pay the money now no massage and no one answer my massage all the women in the first 50 before I join could not read massage now I have and all the same 5 massage is this bullshit or wot
Skooby-dude: Yeah I'm convinced you're correct
url0ver: That blowsand not in a good way! I keep texting one dude i met and he says the same thing always , "im busy" and has the nerve to get mad at me when i finally say ok ill leave you alone. I won't text you to bang it out no more
Codigirl: Thats just wrong !!
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