Urwlcmrzldzle's Blog



A small idea and a challenge to learn

I found it interesting that when I queried a word that I am familiar with and understand that the next and question server box was at a lacking.. so I bring you this a game to get you and your people brains ( friends)active ..

Pictoglyph. Seek out the meaning to this word and coo

Llect all pertaining information in your response and completion of the asset to learning engines and how tow truck the fuel to the expulsion and forward motions ..

Seek out .. build a lite compendium of the material and then see if you and your friends can catch the message within the game of knowledge..

  • Urwlcmrzldzle: Pictoglyph. Seek out the meaning to this word and coo
    Llect all pertaining information in your response and completion of the asset to learning engines and how tow truck the fuel to the expulsion and forward motions ..
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