orangepeelsmile11's Blog



me pt 26.

Here the birds where whats, the chipmunks where who, and the thought of one seemed as if the thought of millions.

"I want to show you my favorite thing here"

He walked with such grace, as i tried not to trip and fall on the squishy terrain. He was neither prince, princes, knight, unicorn. He was him. I could tell that he was almost always here. And often ashamed of what he looked like here. I wondered to myself if he realized people back on earth could not see what I saw in this place. Before I could even finish my thought he spoke once more.

"Why do people fear me?"

I winced. This was a heart wrenching question, that i had been asking myself for years. Upon entering this world with him and actually breathing in the cold smoke everyone often saw him use I finally had my answer.

"Well.. people often fear.. that which they do not understand. I know why you live in this place..

But the others.. most of them do not understand that you did not choose to find this place. They are often too distracted with the fact that you where banished to darkness first. This makes them beleive that you still live in darkness. Which makes you scarey."

He stopped walking, and looked into my eyes.

He jolted closer to me and held me in his arms.

"can you tell me about people. what its like. not to live here."

"can you tell me what it would have been like.. if I was never banished into darkness.."

withought thinkin twice i tenderly kissed his lips.

"I will tell you, but so you know. you are blessed.. for mmany people"

I had to stop for a moment the emotions i felt make me want to cry on earth but here they made me feel other feelings I was not quite used to.

"Many people are banished to darknes.. But you..only you have been given the gift... of the light."

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