orangepeelsmile11's Blog
"What the fuck is wrong with you"
Eric slapped her.
"she instantly fell to the ground laughing."
Would you fucking stop it. I'm trying to do my homework here you weirdo.
"Sorry sissysoazoozoo" He picked her up and put her back in the chair where she'd been sitting.
"I just can't help myself."
"yea yea yea"
She knew why he was doing it. She could talk she did it to they loved their … It helped them with there homework got all there chores done on time and on top of it all. made them not feel shit. even for eachother. They loved eachother. But it was the kind of love that would make a pregnate lady slice her self throught the navel. The kind thats just too fucked up to be explained.
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