orangepeelsmile11's Blog



me part 19

"lease tell me.. I had a feeling if I took you here you'd know how.."

Lets get married here first is all I could think. But that was the thing about this place.. everything just was. We where so bound together here that the very idea of marrige just seemed to stupid for words to possibly express... but what could we do here. I knew what it was. The one thing my mother never cared about me doing but yet. for some reason something was always stopping me. I needed to get in this boys pants. I needed to switch with him. I was a girl and I knew it. But in order to prove my love to everyone I needed to transform here. I wasnt sure how to tell him this. So I just sat there. Held in his arms. hoping. and beleiving that he would not judge me if i offered such a quest. Because although it seemed impossible. I knew somewhere on this planet there was a place we could do that.. but first. I needed a way to make it stop disapearing on me and leaving us just in this garden. I knew he knew the answer too. Or else I would not feel this so stro.

ngly. Just then he gave me the sweetest most sensitive kiss of my entire life hugged me tight and wispered in my ear.

"You dont even have to say it baby.. I know.."

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