orangepeelsmile11's Blog



Me pt 6

Fuck it. I said to myself. I was young and at that point. I had nothing else to loose. I saw how it was done. I saw who did it. and I beleived in magic. So why not prove to everyone it was real.

"I'll do it.. its really scarey.. But only because.. to be honest.. I've never met anyone like you.. I love you so much."

The expression on his face turned from calm to looking as though he was about to cry. took me by the hand and asked as calmly as he could possibly make himself seem. "Is it ok.. If I hold you in my arms for a bit first.."

"Of course it is" A smirk slowly crept accross my face. This boy was just too good to be fake.

"I wouldn't have it any other way baby"

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