CrazyCajunsCumrag's Blog



Truth or Nah

Let’s pretend you’re married. You are living in separate states. You’re spouse claims to go nowhere but work, denies any outside affairs or encounters. Has a habit of not replying to texts on evenings they arrive in the other state. Is completely void of emotion and distant, shows very little interest in family and obsessive about the vehicle. To add, is having problems with staying focused in bed. Is this Truth or Nah from the spouse? Your vote counts! 

  • Bullgrindr: Go with your gut on this one. Hmmm
  • CrazyCajunsCumrag: There’s always some reason given to backup these actions. Some are legit reasons, some sound like bs. I think what bothers me most is that #1, some of this just downright is insulting to my intelligence and #2, I ultimately feel like he thinks that I don’t deserve the truth 
  • CrazyCajunsCumrag: Not to mention the cocky attitude like I’m a nuisance because I’m questioning his actions. And the pity party saying how bad I treat him because I’m accusing him of things that he DOESN’T do
  • CrazyCajunsCumrag: And get this... he comes home onweekends, half the time he arrives with chaffed dick. Claims it’s his hands doing this when he is doing his thing. At first, knowing his hands are really rough at times, I was inclined to believe this. But he claimed it was the battery acid on his hands that aggravated the skin. Next time it was just that his hands were rough. And again the next time and yet again. So I did a covert test. I noticed the pattern of chaffing due to extra time in the bedroom with me, the kind that comes from vagina friction. Then I watched him and how his hands are on himself. I’m not a genius, but the area that is chaffing is exactly the same as vagina friction, and if it were his hands, it would be in more areas than one.Also he came in this time with rather obvious condom chemical soaked into his skin, it burned me because I have sensitivity to condoms. 
  • CrazyCajunsCumrag: And I’m making this up in my head he says. He acts like he owes no explanation for any of this and that I’m crazy 
  • Joker196831: Well it sounds like it to me..i just divorced because she was like that rhen i caught her.
  • CrazyCajunsCumrag: Update: he is still coming home with chapped junk. This last time, right under the head, like something had a hold of it by the tip 😄. What in the hell? I will never get a straight answer so I wish someone could clue me in as to what causes this ...
  • broussardjj2258: Let’s chat 
  • nitemaredragon: From my experience when a person is cheating they will be distant and they will also start arguments with their partner for absolutely any and everything.
  • nitemaredragon: As to what causes a chapped dick it could be that he's trying to rub one out too many times and he has rough hands or just could be if he has soft ends from jacking off too many times
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