Viktor7787's Blog



Dear friend

Dear firend,

I write to you and thus distract myself a bit

And since you're far far away, I write you even stronger

Ever since you left there's been big news

The passed year has now ended

but something still isn't quite right here

People go out seldom, including when there's a party

And there are those who have put sandbags into the windows

And some don't talk for an entire week

And those who have nothing to say

Don't matter much.

But the television has told that the new year

will bring a change

And we all are already waiting for it

There will be Christmas three times and party all night

Every Christ will come down from the cross

And the birds will return

There will be food and light all year

Even the mute will be able to speak

While the deaf are already doing it

And everybody makes love as they please

Even the priests will be able to marry

But only at a certain age

And without much trouble somebody disappears

There will perhaps be the too cleaver ones

And idiots of all ages

Look, my dear friend, what I write and say to you

And how happy I am

To be here at this moment


Look, my dear friend, what one has to invent

To be able to laugh about it

To continue to hope

And if this year passed in one … of an eye

See, me friend

How it's important

For me to be here too at this very moment

The year that will come after one year will pass

I am preparing myself for it, and this is the news

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