JayvZee's Blog




As for rubber play in general, and rubber suits, straightjackets and sleepsacks specifically, the more hairless an individual is, the greater the sensitivity. It’s simple mechanics. Hair acts as an insulator — the hairier one is, the more insulation, the less effect external forces have. Shaving before putting him/her into rubber creates a much more sensitive recipient, for two reasons: one, there’s no hair, thus rubber has direct contact with the skin; tow, the act of shaving takes off the outer most layers of dead skin, heightening the natural sensitivity. And, shaving can be a very submissive act before slipping into rubber.

Now, the effect of hair will lessen somewhat the longer he/she is in latex, for one basic reason: sweat. Again the sweat. Being an impermeable material, rubber traps moisture released by the pores and, when mixed with the various oils that the body secretes, creates a ready-made lubricant. One doesn’t have to grease up a … much before play as he’s/she's already done it to themselves. A little exercise is great, though you need to watch out for fluid depletion. Have plenty of water on hand.

Since sweat is trapped, the water will impact body temperature. I can personally attest to the cycle of hot and cold, as I’ve been completely encased in rubber, for a 30-hour stretch at a time. In fact, it was the only time I came without actively engaging in sexual intercourse. Despite being told not to, walking around in rubber made me erect and (combined with the excitement, the heat, and the mere fact of being encased in rubber this excited my cock). Of course being in chastity for several days before being encased in rubber didn’t help.

  • JayvZee: Have you tried - Rubber Latex BDSM ... ??
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